Powrocmy jak za dawnych lat
8pmArt Gallery Kafe
127 Front St,
Wood Dale, IL 60191
W najblizsza sobote 4 lutego razem z Antykwariat Jazz zagramy dla Was przepiekne i znane utwory z okresu miedzywojennego. Wars, Petersburski i inni. Zapraszamy do Art Gallery Kafe w Wood Dale o 8 wieczorem.
On Saturday February 4th together with Antykwariat Jazz we'll play some amazing Polish songs written in 1920's and 1930's. It's a wonderful selection of old Polish hits. Hope you'll join us for this special evening of music at Art Gallery Kafe in Wood Dale. -
Agnieszka Iwanska & Antykwiariat Jazz Group
12:30pmNavy Pier Chicago - Crystal Gardens
Concert "Powrocmy jak za dawnych latach" as part of "Celebrate Poland" event
UroSoule at Jazzin' at the Shedd
5:30pmShedd Aquarium
1200 Lake Shore Dr
Chicago IL
Tickets available